
“Just wanted to thank you for such an awesome product. We fished the Buoy 10 fishery out of Warrenton Oregon for the last 20 days. A lot of great days and some slow days on the water. But without fail the “Mountain Doo” Cut Plug had a takedown every day. It didn’t matter what we stuffed in it the fish ate it. I have overwhelming confidence in your lures. I would recommend your product to anyone. Attached is a picture of the battle scarred warrior from the season. A few leader and hook changes it kept on rolling. Thanks again.” “
-John Slyter
“Brad’s Super Baits and Cut Plugs have been a true game changer for me fishing for fall Chinook. I have poo-pooed them for years, but I am now a true believer. The first time trolling them in tandem with the Pro-Troll flasher, I hooked up in the first 100 feet! The rest of the day continued with bite after bite. I was floored how well the Brad’s Super Baits and Cut Plugs produced fish. I can say with certainty that these baits are now a must have staple in my boat.“
-Eric Linde, Linde’s Sport Fishing

“You want me to give up 10 years of perfecting trolling herring and use that plastic thing?” These were my famous last words as we started fishing Drano Lake on 9/29/2015 with Brad’s Super Baits. After an hour of fishing and three chrome Chinooks later, I was sold. I have never experienced a technique that was both deadly effective and ridiculously simple to master. The day ended with 10 Chinooks in the kill bag and one of my single best days of fishing in 39 years. In the following months my boat landed over 100 Chinook salmon on Brad’s Super Baits and Cut Plug lures. Do yourself a favor and get on the Super Bait train.“
-Dax Simonelli
“My son-in-law took me out last fall on the Columbia to try our luck at fishing Brad’s Super Bait Cut Plugs. This was my first experience with the product and it was amazing. We were only 10 minutes in and we had fish in the net. The morning was action packed and I landed my person best Chinook. Thank you Brad’s for the memory and making it easy to dial in the fishery!“
-Tom Robinson

“Brad’s Roe Beads have been my go-to rig when float fishing for Steelhead for the past three years now. They are a very simple and easy presentation in my opinion, and a lot of the time will even out-fish bait. The 14mm Pearly Roe is the bead I have had the most success on, but have caught fish on all colors produced by Brad’s Killer Fishing Gear. I recommend Brad’s Roe Beads for any type of fisherman, from amateur to guide, these things work. The natural buoyancy the beads have allow them to float through the water column very naturally and will fool any fish into thinking they are an egg.”
– JT Kaul
“With my over 40 years of fishing experience, Brad’s Super Bait Cut Plugs has to be one of the most interesting lures I have come across. Seven years ago I bought my first pack of the Black Jacks “cut plug version”, and used them in the Willipa Bay fishing for Chinook and Silver salmon. After catching my Chinook on a herring, I switched over to the Black Jack, filling it with fresh chopped herring. And bang, my rod went down with another 20 lb. Chinook. I was a believer at that point.
Over the years I have used Brad’s Super Bait Cut Plugs in many different scenarios. From Columbia River spring and fall Chinooks, in Astoria, the Vancouver stretch, Wind River, and Drano Lake with much success. Last fall I was informed by a fellow fisherman from Team Dusky that I should use no only the cut plug version, but the Super Bait version teamed with a Pro-Troll ProChip flasher for fall Chinook in the Vancouver area. I would have to say, I have never had so much fun fishing in all of my time then at that moment. I also love the easiness of filling it with whatever bait you might want to use, and the clean-up is very easy.
From now on, when fishing for salmon, you better bet that this fisherman will have his arsenal of Brad’s Super Baits with him every single time. Well Done Brad, you have done well for me…”
– Rodney Stallard, Fish Army NW

“As a professional fishing guide, being efficient with your time on the water is vital to having a successful day. To be efficient, I have to have gear that is reliable, consistent, and doesn’t require a lot of extra effort to ensure it is running correctly. This is why I use Brad’s Killer Fishing Gear. The Brad’s Super Bait allows me the freedom to present my bait in the strike zone and have confidence it is working 100% of the time. Brad’s Killer Fish are reliable, and give the perfect action out of the package without having to worry about tuning, unlike other plugs. These two baits have dramatically increased the catch rate for my clients and made my time on the water much more successful!”
– Jacob Munden, Munden’s Rising Son Adventures
“A few years ago the news that some new lure stuffed with tuna caught the biggest rainbow and Lake Trout in one of Wisconsin’s Lake MI tournaments intrigued me. I knew salmon’s ability to smell makes a blood hound look like an amateur. I had been using scents for many years for walleye but the only scent used on Lake MI that I was aware of was cut herring and that seemed like a lot of work to me. So here is a lure that rolls like a cut bait, works with or without a flasher and smells delicious if you like Roasted Garlic Tuna. Since I first started using Brad’s Cut Plugs they typically represent more than 50% of my 12 rod spread and most years since then my average catch per outing is around 15 trout and salmon. A couple of years ago the Glow Ghost Green Dot earned me first place and $1,000 for biggest fish. I’m hooked.”
– Michael Collins AKA Grey Beard

“Everyone is always looking for a slight edge over the competition. I believe I’ve found it with Brad’s products. Like everyone in the southern basin of Lake Michigan, I run Brad’s Thin Fish in the spring for Coho. The last couple years I’ve experimented with the use of Super Bait Cut Plugs. This year I’ve tinkered my set up a little bit, adding 5 beads between the bait and my hook and I’m having great success. The “Hot Tamale” has been my stud bait in 2016. I run it primarily on 4 colors of lead off a surface board or on a dipsy diver. I also just started with a “Hot Tamale” Super Bait and that also landed fish. I’ve run the “Purple Frog” and “Shamrock” and between those alone in 2016 I’ve landed Coho, kings, steelhead, brown trout and lake trout. I look forward to trying more colors as the year progresses. Thanks Brad’s for a great product!”
– Rob Civinelli
“My wife and two good friends, Ernie and Christi, went fishing for Mackinaw (commonly known as lake trout) in a deep lake in Idaho. We always fish in deep water and troll near the bottom of the lake, as the Mackinaw lay on the bottom during the warm summer months. As we arrived to the location I like to fish, I immediately started seeing fish on my fish finder laying on the bottom. I could tell by the size of the sonar echo that there were some large fish in this area.
We traditionally use a competitor’s lure, so we started trolling with them. We fished for half the day using the traditional colors of the other lure, but only had one hit. I had just purchased a Brad’s Killer Fish lure in the watermelon color and decided to try one. I put the Killer Fish on Christi’s rod and within a few minutes, she yelled “fish on” and soon landed a 32-inch Mackinaw. Christi continued to fish with your Killer Fish lure and ended up landing 4 Mackinaw that day and two the next. As an experiment, I put the Killer Fish on my wife’s rod and she soon hooked into a large Mackinaw. After a 25-minute fight where the fish dove to the bottom 3 different times, she finally landed the largest fish of the trip – a 39.5 incher. I estimated the weight of this fish in the 30 lbs. range. In contrast, we continued to use the other lure on other rods and only landed 1 fish all day.
I will continue to purchase Killer Fish (in fact, I went out today and purchased another watermelon color plug).”
– Steve Claiborne

“Watch Angler West every week and had seen Brad’s tackle featured a few times. Was surprised at his last name so contacted him to ask if Larry was his Dad. Many years ago we visited Larry and the family for a week at their lodge in Alaska. Awesome vacation. This past January we attended the ISE show in Sacramento and discovered Brad’s tackle on display in the AW booth, so just had to buy a few salmon lures. Mostly we anchor and set lures with a spreader as well as setting spinners off of a downrigger. Tried one of the Brad’s Killer Fish KF-14 called “Slammer” on our first trip this season, got 3 hits and 2 in the boat. Next trip my son used the Killer Fish, got the second biggest fish he’s ever caught, a 22.13. Sturgeon was first. The Killer Fish ran slightly to the right when we checked for true, fixed with a slight adjustment and it held true thereafter. No bent hooks even as they were removed with a sturdy needlenose. Quality is perfect. Couldn’t be happier with our fish and can’t wait to hit the creek again.
This picture is of my son, Steve, with his 22.13lb catch.”
– Bill Adelman